
Diablo 2 gambling uniques
Diablo 2 gambling uniques

diablo 2 gambling uniques

  • Act 2 Hell Freeze: LVL16: Blessed Aim + Multishot.
  • Act 1 Hell Fire: LVL20: Might + Multishot.
  • Removed mana burn and explosion on death mods from super and champion monsters.
  • Decreased the amount of gold you are gaining.
  • Increased save bits for every stat by 1.
  • Added a new elite sword type: Rapier (DMG: 43-47, speed- 30, range 5, max sockets 4).
  • Added melee splash dmg mod on certain uniques and jewels.
  • Pgems are now purchasable at Akara and you can use them to upgrade your gear.
  • Slightly altered characters base stats and hp and mana per lvl.
  • Only two runes are required to upgrade to the next level rune.
  • diablo 2 gambling uniques

  • Countess can now drop up to KO in nightmare (special rune drop).
  • New recipes for stronger crafted items (recipes are further down).
  • Added a few mods to mag/rare/crafted items and made magic/rare items able to spawn with slightly stronger mods.
  • Static field in hell only gets monsters down to 66%hp.
  • Monster groups can be slightly bigger now.
  • Monster def, attack rating, hp and damage +10% in normal, +20% in nightmare and +30% in hell.
  • Difficulty resistance penalty increased by 10 in normal 20 in nm and 30 in hell.
  • diablo 2 gambling uniques

  • Decently higher unique and set drop rates from super unique and boss monsters.
  • If you are a lazy reader just watch my hype/trailer video So I mostly like to think of it as another expansion as I already said tho I did do a little bit more than initially intended but anyways here is a list of all the changes (I kinda put a lot of anime references into the mod but dw if you don't want to have anything to do with anime you won't even notice): It's nothing too crazy just mainly new items, few new skills, awakening skill for each class at level 100, higher level cap (120), new endgame content etc. Anyways here it is, my content update mod, kinda like the additional expansion daddy blizzerd never gave me. Sooo it all started with wanting to add a few uniques here and there, then I got hooked a little bit and suddenly I was creating dungeons and converting gifs to make new auras at 4 am.

    Diablo 2 gambling uniques